Category: Privacy Notice for Electricity Customers

We process your personal data on the following bases:

  • Entering into and performing a contract – in particular to provide you with the services you have requested from us. The consequence for not doing such processing would be that we would be unable to perform our contract,
  • Our legitimate interests in terms of security and safety purposes, safeguarding of our rights through arbitration/legal proceedings and any other legitimate interests which we may have in relation to the services provided. When we process your personal data on the basis of legitimate interests, we ensure that the legitimate interests pursued are not overridden by your interests, rights and freedoms,
  • Compliance with legal obligations imposed on us – in particular obligations imposed on us as a result of the provision of electricity services to you,
  • Consent when you have provided your explicit consent to specific processing of your personal data,
  • Given that we process your personal data for the purposes of providing national electricity in Malta, there may be instances where we may also rely on a public interest in processing your data.

On the basis of our legitimate interests or compliance with legal obligations, as applicable, we may also process your personal data for the purposes of establishing, exercising or defending legal proceedings.

We will ensure that we have additional grounds for processing your personal data if processing of special categories becomes envisaged. Note that special categories of personal data include data revealing your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic, biometric or health data, sexual orientation and data related to your conviction and offences. Processing special categories of your personal data is not envisaged unless we have reason to institute proceedings or investigations with respect to theft of our services.